Veterans: Dealing With Pain And Payment Problems?

Leaving the military can be a rough transition, and pain doesn't make the move any easier. You're eligible for different levels of healthcare after leaving the military, but due to long wait times and the need for specialists in some cases, it's probably better if you found a non-Veterans Affairs (VA) option to relieve your pain and seek a more permanent form of rehabilitation. If money is an issue, or if you just don't know where to go first, here are a few ways that a physical therapy clinic and the VA can help you make your civilian life transition a bit less painful. Read More 

3 Tips For Preparing For School When Your Child Has Food Allergies

When your child has food allergies, preparing for the new school year takes more planning than usual. In addition to ensuring that your child has all the school supplies he or she needs, you also have to create a plan for dealing with his or her food allergies. Here are some tips for ensuring your child's health while he or she is in school. Talk to Your Child's Allergy Doctor Read More 

Treatment Of Endocarditis

Endocarditis is a heart condition that can start in other areas of the body, such as the mouth, and lead to heart complications. The disease can occur gradually or suddenly. If your heart doctor has diagnosed you with endocarditis, getting prompt treatment is necessary.  What Is Endocarditis?  When germs or bacteria from other parts of your body enter the bloodstream, endocarditis can occur. The bacteria attaches to your heart's lining and leads to destruction and damage to your heart valves. Read More 

Does Your Child Have Swimmer’s Ear? Here Are 3 Things You Should Know

Swimming is a common activity people do during the summer, but it can also be an activity that leads to health issues, such as swimmer's ear. If you believe your child may have this, you should take him or her to an urgent care facility for an examination as soon as you can. Swimmer's ear will not go away on its own, and it will usually require medication. What is swimmer's ear? Read More 

Sight Loss: 2 Common Causes And Symptoms

Millions of people are visually impaired in the U.S., which is why eye exams are so important to help detect progressing eye defects such as cataracts and glaucoma before permanent eye damage occurs. Sight loss is a serious eye problem that can manifest with symptoms such as loss of central or side vision, obstructed vision, difficulty seeing during nighttime or blurred vision. If allowed to progress, sight loss can lead to total blindness. Read More